CUSTOM: X-Braced Sport Line Set


SKU: LSET-XB Category:


Line Set for any X-braced sport canopy.  Specify canopy model, size, and line material.  Typical production time is 10 days, dependent upon availability of line specs and materials.

Hybrid option combines a lighter weight cascade and upper control line.  This reduces pack volume and drag, and it increases strength and durability by using a smaller insert into the main lines.

Best shipping option for line sets is a Priority Mail Flat Rate Envelope.

Additional information

Weight 300 g
Dimensions 7 × 10 × 0.25 in

Technora (HMA) 400 black, Technora (HMA) 600 black, Technora (HMA) 750 black, Vectran 300, Vectran 300 black, Vectran 300 orange, Vectran 400, Vectran 400 black, Vectran 400 orange, Vectran 580, Vectran 580 black, Vectran 580 orange, Vectran 725 (12-carrier)

TOG Setting

factory, open, +2, +3, +4, +6, +9, custom

Hybrid Construction (lines, not canopy)

no, yes


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